SonicJPNews archive blog: 03/13/19


Pierre Taki arrested, JUDGEMENT sales suspended by SEGA

News from 2019.03.13
Archived on 2019.03.15

A big news shook Japan's entertainment field today:
Pierre Taki, member of techno-pop duo Denki Groove and an actor who took part in the PS4 game 'JUDGEMENT', was arrested for using cocaine.
SEGA reacted with suspension of the game's sales (both physical and digital copies) and deletion of all promotional informations following the news.

It is a hard measure they took in responce to the news, and even Japanese fans are discussing wether this is an overreaction. Considering Japan has very strict laws agains drug abuse and a company does not want any trouble by presenting a criminal in its games and promotions, I guess this is the best SEGA can do for now to avoid even more unnecessary problems.

Additionally, the director of Judgement and CPO of SEGA Games, Toshihiro Nagoshi, has his policy to never include scenes with child death and drug abuse in the games. This may have had influence on their decision to suspend seles of the game.

Similar problem occured once in his Yakuza series already: an actor was arrested for drug abuse and had to be replaced. Same solution might be applied with this game, which means the rescission of restriction in Japan and release of international version will be delayed.

Official statement from SEGA on the topic:

Any update will be announced.

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SEGA creators' reactions to Judgement incident

News from 2019.03.13-15
Archived on 2019.03.15

Follow-up to Pierre Taki's arrest: SEGA creators react to the incident.

Tomoya Ohtani-san (SEGA/Sonic series Sound Creator) being shocked by the news, and had hard time thinking what to write about it.

Ohtani-san and Hideki Naganuma-san (Sound Creator for Sonic Rush, Jet Set Radio series etc.) unhappy about Pierre Taki's music being not playable anymore on music streaming sites.
As composers themselves, they must have stronger feelings about how music is being handled...

Daisuke Satou, Produver of Yakuza series makes a statement:
"I won't let it end. I won't let it disappear like this. I will revive it at one point, for sure."

Discussion over restriction of works by a person who was arrested for committing crime continues.
Do you think one should handle the creators and their works separately?

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