SonicJPNews archive blog: More comments from Kanemaru-san on Sonic X!


More comments from Kanemaru-san on Sonic X!

News from 2019.05.08
Archived on 2019.05.13

Upon seeing the first three episodes of Japanese Sonic X released online on YouTube for free for limited time, Kanemaru-san comments further on each episode & on the interview footage to Sonic X casts!

Previous summaries:
Episode 1

Kanemaru-san on Dark Sonic

Episode 2:

I think this is also the difference in the weight of the word used in literal translation.
In Japanese, the word 'kuso' (lit. translation 'shit', but usually with milder meaning - like 'damn', 'darn it', 'shoot', if that makes sense) is very commonly used both in Anime and everyday conversation. It sure is a swear word and doesn't sound elegant, but people usually don't make a big deal out of it by hearing someone drop the word when something goes wrong.

Episode 3:

It's fun to see Kanemaru-san calling Nobutoshi Kanna-san as 'En-nen' (another way of reading Kanna-san's first name 'Nobutoshi' 延年) and his Knuckles as 'カンナッコ Kannnakko or "Kannuckles". Such a good nickname!

Interview to Sonic X casts:

It's very interesting to hear from the voice of Sonic himself talk about the recordings back then.
We can feel the Kanemaru-san's hard work and his firm policy as a professional voice actor!

At last, watch the full interview footage here!
You will find translations and transcripts in video description too.

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