SonicJPNews archive blog: Sonic Speed Q&A - Transcript & Translation



Sonic Speed Q&A - Transcript & Translation

News from 2022.07.14
Archived on 2022.10.12

ソニック一問一答 Sonic Speed Q&A!

Transcript & translation by Knuttunk.

1. 「どうやったらソニックみたいに速く走れますか?」
音速一問一答、thank you!

1. "How can I run as fast as Sonic?"
Find a running course that feels great to you, run it as fast as you can and enjoy it. I've done it so many times that it's become a journey, an adventure, and now here I am. Why don't you give it a try?
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

2. あのピンクの丸いヤツか、質問ありがとな
音速一問一答、thank you!

2. . [Questioner‘s name includes Kirby] Oh, that pink round one! Thank for the question! So you’re asking… "Can you see what’s ahead of you when you're spinning?"
Well, I can see pretty well. Tails says it's something to do with my dynamic visual activity, but I think it's also got something to do with intuition. Well, I’m basically just speeding straight ahead, so I don't mind if I can't see well at times.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

3. 「エッグマンが一切悪いことをしなくなって平和な日々が続いたら退屈だと思いますか?」エッグマンが大人しくなるなんてチリドックの雨が降るよりもありえないと思うけどな
音速一問一答、thank you!

3. "Do you think it would be boring if Eggman stopped doing all the evil things and peace prevailed?" I don't think it's any more likely that Eggman would become quiet than it is that it would rain chili dogs!
But, when peace or anything sets in and you get bored, you just make it interesting for yourself! If I were you, I'd be on an adventure to find adventures and have a good time doing it!
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

4. 「これまでエッグマンの悪巧み止めてきた中で印象に残っているエッグマンロボってありますか?」
エッグドラグーンかな?ドリルだの光の翼だの大砲だの欲張り過ぎだろってのもあるけど オレはあの時ムキムキのウェアホッグに変身しててさ、ロボットをボコボコにした後エッグマンをロボットからコックピットごと引っこ抜いた挙句、空の彼方までぶん投げたんだよ
音速一問一答、thank you!

4. "Is there an Eggman robot that has made a lasting impression on you so far in stopping Eggman's shenanigans?"
Egg Dragoon, maybe? I thought it was a bit too much at once with all the drills and light wings and cannons and stuff. Also, I was a muscular Werehog at the time, and after beating up the robot, I pulled Eggman out of the cockpit and threw him far away into the sky.
Later I thought I overdid it a bit… and that's why it left such an impression on me.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

5. 「ソニックとシャドウ、もしくはメタルソニックで一番速いのは誰?」
音速一問一答、thank you!

5. "Who is the fastest, Sonic, Shadow, or Metal Sonic?"
If you ask me that upfront, there’s no other way than answering that it’s me! Shadow and Metal are both tough opponents, but I'll always prove myself to be the fastest.
Well, I'm sure they're thinking the same thing though.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

6. 「ナックルズのグローブについているトゲみたいなものって固いのか柔らかいのか気になります」
音速一問一答、thank you!

6. "I wonder if those spikes on Knuckles’ gloves are hard or soft.
They are hard and it hurts when you get punched with them!
After all, he can stick those spikes into a rock wall for rock climbing as well. Oh, but sometimes they might look a little bent because of that guy's enormous power.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

7. 「よく靴擦れが起って困っています。ソニックの靴は大きく見えますが大丈夫なんでしょうか?靴擦れを起こさない秘訣はあるんでしょうか?」
音速一問一答、thank you!

7. "I often have trouble with shoe sores. Sonic's shoes look big, but are they ok? Is there any secret to not getting sore shoes?"
Well, they have to be this sturdy to withstand my running.
I've never had shoe sores, I guess because I do a lot of spin dashing and jumping. I think you should try to spend less time on the ground.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

8. 「早く仕事から帰りたい時どうすればいいですか?」
音速一問一答、thank you!

8. "What do I do when I want to get home from work early?"
Eggman's minion, Orbot, once said, "You have to decide, 'That's it for today, the rest is for tomorrow' and go home there," but his eyes were dead. If that was allowed, he wouldn't have any trouble, I guess.
But your boss isn't Eggman, is he? Why don't you give it a try?
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

9. 「困難に立ち向かう時、どんなふうに気持ちを奮い立たせればいいでしょう?例えば何度トライしてもエメラルドをゲットできない時とか」
音速一問一答、thank you!

9. "When facing difficulties, how should one get motivation and energy for continuing on? For example, when you can't get the emerald no matter how many times you try."
The latter part of the question feels familiar... Well, what will be will be, so rather than getting worked up, let's refresh and believe in ourselves as usual!
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

10. 質問者は桐生一馬ってことでいいのかな?何でも聞いてくれ!
Hey一馬ソレがそうでもないんだ、むしろ走り回ってるせいでいろんなものひっかけてそれに巻き込まれちまう。お互い大変だけどまぁ楽しもうぜ 今度オレのシューズを送るから試してみてくれ

10. The questioner is called Kazuma Kiryu, correct? Ask me anything!
"I'm honestly bothered by the fact that I get bumped into and chased by all kinds of people when I'm walking around town. If I were as fast as Sonic, I think I wouldn't have to go through all this trouble. So please, can you tell me tips for how to run faster?"
Hey Kazuma, that’s actually not the case. By running around a lot, I end up catching many things with my quills and get involved with various problems. We are both doing our best, so let’s just enjoy it! I'll send you my shoes next time so you can try them out.
Sonic Q&A, Kiwami!

11. 「ソニックがソニックのゲームを作るとしたらどんなゲームにする?」
音速一問一答、thank you!

11. "If Sonic were to make a Sonic game, what kind of game would it be?"
A game where we run at ridiculous speeds on courses that would be impossible in real life...ah, that’s just like my usual adventures!
But if I were to make it, developing time should be one week at most. I don't want to be tied down for years.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

12. ※最も多かったかもしれない質問
実際も何もエミーは頼れる仲間で大事な友達さ ちょっと時々パワフルすぎるけど。いつも色々…まぁ感謝してるさ
OK回答終わり!音速一問一答、thank you!

12. *Maybe the mostly asked question
"How do you really feel about Amy?"
Really or not, Amy is a reliable buddy and precious friend. Though she is a little too powerful sometimes. She's always been... [doing?] various… Well, I’m thankful to her.
(fast talking) OK, end of answer! Sonic Q&A, thank you!

13. 「ホーミングアタックのコツを教えてください」
OKそうだなぁ…ちゃんと当てたい相手の方向を向く、高くジャンプするとか色々あるけど、まずはちゃんと丸まって転がれるか。オレもそうだったけどホーミングアタックはこれをマスターしてからだな。Don’t think roll 何事も基本が大事ってことさ
音速一問一答、thank you!

13. "Can you give me some tips on homing attacks?"
OK, well... there are a lot of things, like facing the direction of the target you want to hit, jumping high, etc. But first of all, you need to be able to curl up and roll properly. It was also the case with me, but you have to master this first before trying homing attacks. Don't think, roll! it's all about the basics!
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

14. 「思い出に残っているステージや景色は?」
音速一問一答、thank you!

14. "What is your most memorable stage or scenery?"
When I got back the colors of the areas and zones that had been white out by the Time Eater before. That scenery was awesome. Well, that would mean that every place was great.
It made me realize once more that this world is amazing.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

15. ※ぷよぷよから
ようみどりぷよ! 質問したのはあのちっこくて黄色いやつだって?
ぐぐーぐ ぐぐぐっぐ ぐっぐぐぐぐ?カーバンクル。
音速一問一答、thank you!

15. *from Puyo Puyo
Yo Midori Puyo! You said it was that little yellow one that asked the question?
*question in Carbuncle language
Let's see, according to Tails' translator, "Which one do you like more, curry or chili dog?"
It’s not going to change the fact i like chili dogs better, but there's also a frontier called curry dog. I'm sure you will like it too, so let's have it together sometime, Carbuncle!
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

16. 「日本には四字熟語というのがあって、漢字4文字のかっこいい言葉なんだけど何か好きなのある?疾風迅雷とか電光石火が似合うと思うんだけどどう?」
音速一問一答、thank you!

16. "In Japan, there is a thing called four-character idiom, which is a cool word with four kanji characters. Do you have any favorites? I think "Shippu-jinrai (fast as wind, quick as lightning)" or "Denko-sekka (fast as moment of spark)" would suit you, what do you think?"
OK I know it! That’s what the title of this event “Ichimon-Ittou (one question , one answer)” is like too, and what you listed are cool as well.
“Sokusen-sokketsu (quick Battle finish), “Jiyuu-jizai (free and at one’s will)”, there are so many other ones. I'm sure Espio, who is a ninja, would know more, but it's hard to narrow it down to just one... “Onsoku Harinezumi (Sonic the Hedgehog, translated in Japanese)”! I'll take that one.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

17. 「ソニックといえばクールな赤い靴 だけど他にも靴があったりするのかな?」そうだなぁ結構色々はいているけど大体は赤いやつなんだよなぁ
音速一問一答、thank you!

17. "Sonic is known for his cool red shoes, but do you have other shoes?"
Well, I do wear a lot of different shoes, but they certainly are mostly red ones.
Oh, and speaking of shoes, Eggman used to replace my shoes so I couldn't run or jump. I still beat him, but I like all shoes except for that one.
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

18. 「ステーションスクエアのあたりとシティエスケープで走っていたあたりの間はどのくらい距離がありますか」
うーん距離ねぇ…Sorry! 正直オレにとってはどこも一瞬で走っていけるから距離とかあんまり考えたことないな
音速一問一答、thank you!

18. "How far is the distance between the Station Square area and the area where you were running in City Escape?"
Well, distance...sorry! To be honest, I can run anywhere in an instant, so I don't really think about distance.
Well, let’s say it’s in the distance I can run through!
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

19. 「ソニックは水泳はできないけど、水上を走るのは上手ですよね?水上を走るその瞬間の気分はどうか聞いてみたいです」
音速一問一答、thank you!

19. "Sonic can't swim, but you are good at running on the water, right? I'd like to ask you how you feel at that moment you run on the water."
Haha, first of all, running on water means I’m having great speed, so that's an amazing feeling. The thrill of falling into the water if not careful enough is also very exciting.
I hope you get to know the feeling once. How about you try and practice it?
Sonic Q&A, thank you!

20. 「エッグマンとテイルス、どちらがIQ高いと思いますか?」
そりゃあテイルスに決まってるさ、どんなにエッグマンがずる賢くたって いつだって最後はテイルスがなんとかしてくれるからな
あ でもまぁ逆にテイルスの次にって言ったらエッグマンしかいないだろうなぁ さーてそろそろ終わりにしようかな、みんな今日はとっても楽しかったぜ
音速一問一答、thank you all!

20. "Who do you think has a higher IQ, Eggman or Tails?"
Tails, of course! Because no matter how clever Eggman is, Tails always manages to bring things back to normal in the end.
But then again, if you ask me who comes next to Tails, Eggman would be the one, I think.

So, I'm going to wrap this up now. Everyone, it was so much fun today!
Sonic Q&A, thank you all!  

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