SonicJPNews archive blog: 06/23/20



Sonic the Hedgehog DJ Style "PARTY": listen together & celebrate together-event!

News from 2020.06.16-22
Archived on 2020.06.22

It's time for PARTY! Let's celebrate into Sonic's birthday together with the new DJ mix!

A new album by Tomoya Ohtani-san: Sonic the Hedgehog DJ Style "PARTY" was released on June 16!
"Congratulations to the release of Sonic music only non-stop DJ mix album 'Sonic The Hedgehog DJ Style "PARTY" today! Subscriptions are available too! I want you all to listen to it!"
- Tomoya Ohtani

"Here is the summary of streaming sites links. Have a listen if you find your standard service! I, for example, play the CD at home and use Apple Music on smartphine."
- Tomoya Ohtani

Celebrate into Sonic's birthday together!

To celebrate the release & Sonic's birthday, Ohtani-san planned a special event for June 22th!

Behind-the-scenes story - and the day of the event!

"On the day I released the song list, I thought, since it's a DJ MIX album, I would like to hold an event on which everyone start playing the album at the same time and use a tag to comment their thoughts while I post background information to the songs. The next day I consulted the marketing people and we agreed on one beat! Such a speed."
- Tomoya Ohtani

"So, from 22:59, I'd like to play the album 'Sonic the Hedgehog DJ Style "PARTY" ' with you together and enjoy the hour before [Sonic's] birthday with the DJ MIX. No matter a CD, on streaming service or your data, just start playing at the same time!"
- Tomoya Ohtani

"I'd be glad if you use these hashtags, but they are long so it's also fine if you just use one of them!"
- Tomoya Ohtani

The event has started!

★SEGA Official's summary of the Tweets by Ohtani-san and fans who participated to the event can be read here on this Togetter thread! ★

01. Opening: Going My Way (Remix)

02. Stardust Speedway "B" mix

03. Aquarium Park - Act 2

04. Dreams Of An Absolution (Starry Night Remix)

05. White Acropolis -Snowy Peak-

06. The Ark

07. Battle with Infinite - First Bout

07. Battle with Infinite - First Bout
このあたりの流れ個人的にもかなり気にっています。前の曲の最後の方を短くループさせておきながら、次の曲へクロスフェードです。記憶に新しい『ソニックフォース』インフィニット戦の曲です。テンポ的にも前の曲と同じだったのと(続 #SonicDJParty

— 大谷 智哉 Tomoya Ohtani (@Ohtanitter) June 22, 2020

08. Palmtree Panic "B" mix

09. Prime Time - Studiopolis Zone Act 2

10. Theme of Rocky Ridge

11. Blizzard Peaks - J.S. Rock Mix

12. Metallic Madness Zone Act 2

13. Reactive Factory: Work It Out

14. Fading World - Imperial Tower

15. Sky Babylon - Act 1

16. Theme of Metropolis Speedway

17. Regal Ruin: Back In Time

18. Planet Wisp - Act 1

19. Metropolitan Highway

20. Eggman's Facility [Rhythm and Balance Remix]

21. Skyscraper Scamper - Day

22. Asteroid Coaster - Act 2

23. Rooftop Run: Act 1

24. Moonlight Battlefield - Aqua Road

/>25. Sky Road: Lap Music

26. Dragon Road - Day

27. Cool Edge - Day

28. Ice Mountain: Lap Music

29. Wave Ocean -The Inlet-

29. Wave Ocean -The Inlet-
インサートしたエフェクトのノリがよかったがために、全体にフランジャーかけっぱなしにしてしまいました(自由)。この曲と次の曲で使ってるリズムのサンプルは同じなのですが、音色警察の方から指摘が入ったりするんですよ、使い回しだー!とw #SonicDJParty

— 大谷 智哉 Tomoya Ohtani (@Ohtanitter) June 22, 2020

30. A New Venture (Surfin' S.R.A Remix)

31. Tropical Resort: Act 2

32. Beyond The Speed Of…

33. Reach For The Stars - Short ver.

The album is completed!

なんかあっと言う間でしたね!参加して頂いたみなさまお疲れ様でした!参加出来なかった方も、明日モーメントでまとめてくれるようなので、後日音源と合わせてチェックしてもらえると、今日の再現が体感?できるかなと思います! #ソニックバースデー2020カウントダウン #SonicDJParty

— 大谷 智哉 Tomoya Ohtani (@Ohtanitter) June 22, 2020


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News from 2020.06.23
Archived on 2020.06.24

Right before celebration of Sonic's birthday, Sonic Committee revealed another event - SONIC SOUND STATION (not a placeholder name anymore) #2 is happening, with 50 songs randomly played for 28 hours straight until the next Sonic Station LIVE! #5 on June 24th!

If you liked such stream, use the hashtag #ソニックステーションLIVE or #ソニステ to tweet about it on Twitter and we might get more of such streams! That would be very cool, don't you think?

There were guests appearing in the comment section again - this time, Senoue-san appeared twice, the second time with Hoshino-san and Katie from Sonic Team US! There were some interesting questions asked and answered there.
(video not available anymore)
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