SonicJPNews archive blog: 03/05/19



Introduction to SonicJPNews archive blog

Hi there! This is an archive site for @SonicJPNews on Twitter .
A Sonic fan and Japanese native speaker @Knuttunk55 shares Japanese Sonic news with the community that is global. May not be the fastest, but correct!

Blog posts here will contain links to original tweets, my translated tweets and sometimes my opinions on the topic for easier overview of each Sonic news.

I will combine tweets which are closely related to each other in one post, and use the time they were actually tweeted for my post.
(Good lord I can change publish date of blog posts on Blogger to even past; this is the second reason I switched from Tumblr. The first is: I can embed tweets! Kinda late on to realize these, but better than never.)

Comments and discussions are welcome.

Also check here for archive of every tweets and retweets with corresponding date & time in chronological order:

SonicJPNews joined Twitter on 2017.03.21
Archiving on Blogger started on 2019.03.05 (moved from on Tumblr website)

And if you like what I'm doing, please support me through Ko-fi! A cup of hot tea would help me translate things faster.

Creators on Sonic the Movie's 'leaked designs' 2: Kanemaru-san, the Sonic's voice

News from 2019.03.05
Archived on 2019.03.07-08

I bet you all have seen those supposedly leaked images of Sonic the Movie. And many of  you were shocked, including me.

Here are how the creators and voice actors of Sonic series reacted towards the unexpected designs...

Part 2: Junichi Kanemaru-san, the voice actor of Sonic on the Sonic the Movie's 'leaked designs'

His first reaction towards the images: Well, he, too, is speechless.

But he tries to stay positive - that is Kanemaru-san's spirit!

But even he can't help but express his surprise and doubt.

But he recovers quickly with that special positiveness of his, and tries to look things in a good way:

He also draws a line here saying that he is merely an actor who will take the offer whenever it comes, and that we still don't know anything that's coming up.
That is very true.

Later he adds that the Movie Sonic actually looks cute if he look closely.
...I'm still not sure about that.

Hopefully, this is the case! I don't know if I want hm to voice that Sonic, but if it's going to be the case, I probably can like that model better.

Later he added further cheerful tweets which seem to be responses to the incident:

"Be flexible and absorb new taste in full without being trapped by an established concept.
That in 100% joy.
That's how amazing creation and evolution are!"

I wish myself such positiveness like Kanemaru-san's. But I think it will take a very long time for me to ever accept what we have received. If the design remains that way, I won't be able to go watch the movie itself even if the story of the movie is going to be great.

We'll hope for the best...

Additional tweet from 03.08:
"Let's not be influenced by uncertain information and impression manipulation.
The information is still not confirmed, so I retained my tweets at that level. We still know nothing about it."

That is again very true. We shoult not resent on something we're not even sure if it's true or not. We'll see.
🍵Please support me through Ko-fi! I think I need more saline solution to wash my brain. Before those images causes me to fall in a coma.

Creators on Sonic the Movie's 'leaked designs' 1: Naka-san, the father of Sonic

News from 2019.03.05
Archived on 2019.03.07

I bet you all have seen those supposedly leaked images of Sonic the Movie. And many of  you were shocked, including me.

Here are how the creators and voice actors of Sonic series reacted towards the unexpected designs...

Part 1: Yuji Naka-san, the father of Sonic on the Sonic the Movie's 'leaked designs'

His first reaction towards the images: he is speechless.

He continues to analyse what is wrong with the design. I completely agree.
(Plus, I can't understand why they gave him round iris. That might have changed the impression a lot.)

Naka-san, co-creator of Sonic and the one who loves Sonic as one of his dear children - is very, very disappointed by what he saw. He tries to remain calm, but he seems to be very sad from his tweets...

He also shows his concern upon damage on Sonic's brand. Which is completely understandable. No one wants to see one's own child, a successful series, to be damaged and be mocked of because of such drastic change to its design.
Naka-san is also shocked to see Sonic not only without his gloves but his bare hands that are white. To him, it's not true.

The only hope he had is that this was just a fan-made meme, but no, appearantly it's...very close to the official and final product. Oh no.

Naka-san then saw a fan's attempt to adjust the image's balance closer to the original Sonic design, and he says:

What did you think about the Movie Sonic's design?

From here it's my own opinion:
I personally despise of it. I can't see why they had to reverse every bit of design features that make Sonic look cool. Starting from the whole balance or head-body and body-extremities (why are his hands and feet so small?), to the blue arms with white hands (what?), long torso, the KNEES, the small nose on pointed face and that he smiling or not? ...ughh I can't look at the image anymore. I'm okay with him having furs (or are they needles?), but everything else seems so unappealing to me.
And the most unforgivable to me are those eyes. Making his iris round don't make him look closer to human. Staring at those eyes with that faint smirk makes me feel like it's gonna curse me. Give back those cool oval iris please. I beg you.

🍵Please support me through Ko-fi! But 0.9% saline solution might be enough for now - I need to wash my eyes after seeing those leaked Movie Sonics.

SEGA Official's poll! Vote for your favorite Sonic pose!

News from 2019.03.05
Archived on 2019.03.07

SEGA Official is holding another poll!
The theme of Casual SEGA Poll #12 is Sonic!

Which Sonic pose doyou like the most out of these 5 options? Vote every day!

I wonder what this result is going to be used for. Probably for new merch?

🍵Please support me through Ko-fi! I'm not a fan of coffee, but a cup of hot tea would help me translate things faster.