SonicJPNews archive blog: September 2019



Naka-san's birthday!

News from 2019.09.17
Archived on 2020.02.16

It was Yuji Naka-san's birthday on the September 17th!
His resolution and the birthday cake made by his children. So wholesome!

Tweets collected by: Tabiki
Texts by: Knuttunk
🍵Please support me through Ko-fi! Or a cup of tea!


MEGA DRIVE MINI, before launch & pre-release party

News from 2019.09.15
Archived on 2020.02.16

The first console to be sold in the Reiwa-Era, MEGA DRIVE MINI launches!
Here is the summary of tweets by SEGA and contributing people around its release.

Pre-release excitement


Happy 20th anniversary, Dreamcast!

News from 2019.09.09
Archived on 2019.09.09

Today marks the 20 th anniversary of Dreamcast!
Fans and SEGA members celebrated the day altogether.
What's your Dreamcast story?

Oops. Seems like we, the non-US gamers still need to wait.

Also, a series of interview was conducted with various members who contributed to Dreamcast! Japanese members such as Satoshi Okano-san and Hirokazu Yasuhara-san answered the interview too!

🍵Please support me through Ko-fi! Or a cup of tea!


SEGA info for TGS2019! Get ready!

News from 2019.09.03
Archived on 2019.09.09

Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2019 is happening in just 7 days!
Gather information about SEGA booth/Sonic related stage and merchandise, get ready for the fun event!

Schedule for Sonic stage events!
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